Activities Archive 

A signing agreement......

A signing agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) was done between World University of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (BCSIR).

Prof. Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury, Vice Chancellor, World University of Bangladesh signed on behalf of World University of Bangladesh and Prof. Dr. A. I. Mustafa, Chairman, BCSIR Signed on behalf of BCSIR.

Under this collaboration agreement the teachers and the students of WUB can use BCSIR laboratories for their research purpose and they can get different types of technical assistance.

Prof. Dr. M. Nurul Islam, Pro-Vice Chancellor, WUB; Morsheda Choudhury, Treasurer, WUB; Dr. Musfiq Mannan Choudhury, Secretary, Board of Trustees, WUB; Prof. A K M Ziaul Islam, Controller of Examinations of World University of Bangladesh (WUB) and Members, Scientists and officials of BCSIR were present in this occasion.

After the end of the signing session Vice Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Treasurer, and Secretary, Board of Trustees of WUB visited the laboratories.

After visiting they signed the visitors’ book of the BCSIR.