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Our Vice Chancellor

world university of bangladesh, VC message
Prof. Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury

Welcome to the online gateway to The World University of Bangladesh,the university firmly believes that education is not only the backbone of a nation but utilitarian education is the last resort of a nation to attain the quickest emancipation.

The vision of the university is to create leaders who will make their brain as the tiniest laboratory capable of making enormous contributions to economic emancipation and social wellbeing. To realize this vision, we are committed to build up a university of quality and distinction. I believe that I am a dream merchant and have become capable of selling my dream to my colleagues. My colleagues in line with the vision, mission, and objectives of the university have translated strategies, tactics and actions to groom students as worthy citizens.

undergraduate and graduate degrees are that they provide both academic breadth and depth. Professional degrees are taught in schools, which offer a focused and intense experience to more mature students. Our graduates can be found in leading roles in the professions, business, government, academia, and non-government organizations in Bangladesh.

Apart from being a close partner of business and industry, WUB is currently expanding regional and global connections. We are weaving a growing and increasingly effective global network which further facilitates our educational and social development, as well as enhancing our academic and cultural exchanges. The World University of Bangladesh enjoys many impressive links through its alumni and partnerships around the world. Furthermore, WUB is an active member of the IAU (International Association of Universities), ACU (Association of Commonwealth Universities), AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business), and ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs).

As you navigate our website, I hope you will learn more about our University and discover how we accord top priority on the development both locally and internationally.

I look forward to meeting and greeting you on our campus. In the meantime, have a very enjoyable virtual visit.

Emeritus Prof. Abdul Mannan Choudhury, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor & Founder
World University of Bangladesh
world university of bangladesh, Vice Chancellor Profile

Professor Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury is a nationally and internationally famed personality. He had his education and higher degrees from Dhaka, Manchester and London with outstanding results. Dr. Choudhury has spent almost 44 years in teaching at home and abroad, published substantial number of academic and non-academic work. Besides being a successful teacher in the Department of Commerce and Department of Management and Department of Management Information Science (MIS) Department of Public Administration of Dhaka University and also in Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria. He was Chairman of the Department of Management and founder Director of the Evening MBA Program of the same department and the founder Chairman of the Department of Management Information Systems and was instrumental in launching of the Tourism and Hospitality Management Department of the same faculty. He was an Architect of the present day monumental physical structure of the faculty. Other roles he played include editor of Faculty Journal, Proctor of Dhaka University, Provost of Salimullah Muslim Hall, Member of the Finance Committee and of Dhaka University Senate. Besides, he has floated, chaired and maintained dozen of academic as well as social-cultural organizations at home & abroad. Professor Choudhury was Chairman of Management Studies, Academic Dean, Founder President of the Teachers Club, Member of the Senate & editor of several Journals at Bayero University, Kano. He used to teach at the Ahmedo Bello University of Nigeria on part time basis.

At present he is one of the Advisors of the National Council for Freedom Fighters, President of Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatun Nesa Mujib Parishad & Swadinata Shikkoh Parishad, Honorary Fellow of Bangla Academy and winner of several gold medals for education, administrative and war of liberation. Only recently, he has been adjudicated by a foreign organization as the best manager of the year.

Dr. Choudhury involved himself in establishing several Schools, Colleges, a medical college and a number of private universities including the World University of Bangladesh and National Institute of Business Administration and Information Systems; and AIUMT, Bangladesh Chapter.

On the top of all these, he is a freedom fighter and is the only teacher of University level who fought liberation war after receiving Guerrila training in Dehradun in 1971. Side by side, he edited and or wrote columns in the `Bangladesh’-only weekly from Eastern Zone during the liberation war. He is now one of the Advisors of the National Council for the Freedom Fighters.

Dr. Choudhury has also a published large number of works beyond his professional domain. He writes columns in renowned dailies almost every week and participates in talk shows.

  • A Comparative Analysis of the Theories of Motivation (Research Paper in Bengali), The Dhaka University Studies, December, 1973
  • A Review of the Determinants of Absenteeism (with MM Choudhury), Journal of Business Studies, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, December 2002
  • Capital Budgeting and Uncertainty (Research paper in Bengali), The Dhaka University Studies, No. III, December, 1975.
  • Choudhury M.M. & Choudhury, A.M, 2009, ``Identification of the Characteristics of E-Commerce Websites’’, Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development, ICEESD-ABS-ICT-28, Faculty of Engineering and Centre of Excellence, World University of Bangladesh.
  • Choudhury, A. M. and Choudhury, M. M. 2009. A Research Commentary on the Review of the Determinants of Absenteeism, South Asian Journal of Population and Health, 2(2), 183-196.Ss
  • Choudhury, A. M. and Choudhury, M. M., 2007. Defining Management from a Different Perspective: Implications for Management Education, Journal of Business Studies, 28 (2), 61-72
  • Choudhury, A. M. and Choudhury, M. M., 2008.Data Test of a Theory of Absenteeism. The Journal of Management, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka.
  • Choudhury, Abdul Mannan & Choudhury Musfiq Mannan, 2016, ``Towards Quality Higher Education in Bangladesh’’, 2016, IAMB Conference.
  • Choudhury, Abdul Mannan, 2014. ``Engineering Education: Bangladesh Context’’, IEB.
  • Choudhury, M. M., Choudhury, M. M. and Choudhury, A. M., 2009. The Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on Remittance of Bangladesh: An Analysis, 37 (6), 30-33.
  • Choudhury, M. M., Tsinopoulos, C. D., and Choudhury, A. M., 2008. A Theoretical Evaluation of the Factors affecting Trust in E-Commerce. In: The 2008 International Conference on e-Commerce, 27-29 March 2008, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Choudhury, Musfiq Mannan, & Choudhury, Abdul Mannan, 2010. "Identification of the Characteristics of E-Commerce Websites." Webology, 7(1), Article 77. Available at:
  • Community Norms and Health Service-Delivery System: A Study of Their Effects on Reproductive Health of Adolescent Girls in Rural Bangladesh (with J. Uddin), Conference proceedings on Population Association of Pakistan, 2005.
  • Early Marriage, Childbearing and Childbirth: Perceptions, Experiences and Practices Among Rural Adolescent Girls in Bangladesh (with J. Uddin), South Asian Anthropologist, 2007
  • General Health Problems and Use of Healthcare Services among Adolescents in Rural Bangladesh (with J. Uddin), Journal of Dhaka University Business Studies
  • Human Problems of Research, Bulleting of Public Administration, Dhaka University, 1977.
  • Informal Organization in the work Setting, Management Development, 1978.
  • Islam M.S. & Choudhury, Abdul Mannan, 2008, ``An Overview of Mechatronics Engineering Education in Bangladesh’’, Proceeding of the Seminar on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development of Bangladesh: 1-7, Center of Excellence and Faculty of Engineering, World University of Bangladesh.
  • Human Problems of Research, Bulleting of Public Administration, Dhaka University, 1977.
  • Informal Organization in the work Setting, Management Development, 1978.
  • Islam M.S. & Choudhury, Abdul Mannan, 2008, ``An Overview of Mechatronics Engineering Education in Bangladesh’’, Proceeding of the Seminar on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development of Bangladesh: 1-7, Center of Excellence and Faculty of Engineering, World University of Bangladesh.
  • Knowledge on Reproductive Health among Adolescent Girls: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh (with J. Uddin), Studies in Family Planning.
  • Labor Turnover- An Analysis with a Case Study, Dhaka University Management Association Journal, 1976.
  • Lesson From the Study of Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Korea, Hong Kong and Nigeria, Journal of the Local government, Vol- 17, No 2, December, 1988.
  • Management Implications of Informal Organization. Debit-Credit, Dhaka University, 1977.
  • Menstrual Practices and Reproductive Health Problems among Adolescent Girls in Rural Bangladesh (with J. Uddin), International Family Planning Perspectives.
  • Motivation and Performance. Souvenir of the First National Management Seminar, April, 1976.
  • Organization Change and Development, The Dhaka University, Studies Part ‘A’, Vol. XXVI, June, 1977.
  • Profit Planning (Research paper in Bengali), The Dhaka University Studies, No. IV, December, 1976.
  • Some Aspects of Management, Business Review, Dhaka, 1973.
  • The Applicability of Classical theory of Organization and Management: A case Study of Bangladesh, The Journal of Local Government, National Institute of Local Government, Dhaka, July-December 1989, Vol. 18 (2)
  • The Applicability of Classical Theory of Organization in Nigeria, Journal of General Studies, Vol. I, No. 5, Kano, Nigeria, 1984.
  • The Applicability of Classical Theory of Organization in Nigeria, Journal of General Studies, Vol. I, No. 5, Kano, Nigeria, 1984.
  • The Community Concept of Business: A Critique- International Studies of Management and Organization Vol.- XVI, No. 2, P. 79-95, ME. sharpe Inc. USA, 1986.
  • The Cost of Capital, The Dhaka University Studies Part, ‘A8’, Vol. XXIV.
  • The Effective Advertising, Management Topics, Rajshahi University No. 5 and 6, 1977 and 1978.
  • The Emergence and growth of Small Entrepreneurs in Some Developing Countries, Dhaka University Studies Part C, 1988, Vol-8(1), 1-14
  • The Government and Small Scale Industries in Nigeria, The Journal of General Studies Vol. I, Vo. I, Kano Nigeria, 1980.
  • The Industrial Relations System in the Jute Industry of Bangladesh National Management Association, First National Conference, 1986.
  • The Management of Small Scale Industries in Nigeria, The Journal of General Studies, Vol. I, No. 2, 1981.
  • The Meaningful Program of Industrial Democracy. The Business Studies, Dhaka, Vol. II, No. I, Winter 1977.
  • The Nigerian Entrepreneurs and their Counterparts in Some Developing Countries. ‘Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1987, IBA Dhaka.
  • The Productivity and Satisfaction- The Inauguration of a New Controversy, Enterprises, Vol.3, No.I, Bayero University Kano, 1983.
  • The Role of Insurance in the Economic Development, Dhaka University Commerce Association Magazine, 1969.
  • The Salient Features of the Small Scale Industries in Nigeria. B.U.K. Seminar Series, March, 1980.
  • The Settlement of Disputes- A Study of the Jute Industry of Bangladesh, Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 14, No.-3, IBA, Dhaka, 1988.
  • The Situational Theory of Management, Enterprise, Vol. 2, No. I, 1981.
  • Towards a Unified Theory of Absenteeism Journal of Business Studies, 1990.
  • Towards Better Integration, Enterprise, Vol.- I, No. I, Bayero University, Kano, 1980.
  • Uddin M.J. & Choudhury Abdul Mannan, 2008, ``Menstrual Practices and Reproductive Health Problems Among Adolescent Girls in Rural Bangladesh’’, South Asian Journal of Population and Health, 1(2): 201-210.
  • Uddin, M. J. and Choudhury, A. M. 2008. Reproductive Health Awareness Among Adolescent Girls in Rural Bangladesh Asia Pac J Public Health, 20(2) 117-128
  • Vulnerability to Reproductive Health Problems of Adolescent Girls in Rural Bangladesh (with J. Uddin), Conference proceedings on Population Association of Pakistan, Karachi University, 2004.
  • With Guria, J.C., Industrial Productivity and its Determinate- A case of Nigeria 1969-74, Bayero University Seminar Series, 1982
  • Worker’s Training in the Traditional sector of the Nigerian Economy, Proceedings of the National Conference on Human Resource Management in Nigeria, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, 1982.
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  • Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: A Proper Noun and First Person Singular Number
  • Genocide in Mayanmar and Genocide in Bangladesh
  • Governance of Universities in Bangladesh
  • Jahanara Imam & Her Achievments
  • Myths, Misgivings and Facts about Private Universities of Bangladesh
  • Perceptual and others differences between taxpayers and Tax Collectors
  • Sheikh Hasina Deserves Nobel Peace Prize
  • The Great Britain Shall become Small Britain
  • The Potential Danger Of Rohingya Influx
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