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Seminar on Technological Disruption and the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Bangladesh

The Director of Scientific Research, Hackers and Founders based in Palo Alto, California and former Research Professor at Stanford University, USA, Dr. Antonio Hyder made it to Dhaka at the World University of Bangladesh (WUB) to make a presentation on how technologies are creating disruption in the way services are provided to the businesses and customers. His presentation today, 18th February 2019 at 10.00 am at the WUB Auditorium focused on how artificial intelligence can be used in innovative approaches in business and day to life. He placed forward several data and the desire for companies to access and analyzes the data for the creation of services and achieving competencies in different sectors of the country.

Dr Hyder agrees to act as Honourary Professor at the World University of Bangladesh and aims in conducting joint research in Big Data and Analytics. The Head of the Business School, Dr. Selim Ahmed finds this opportunity for enhancement in knowledge building and contribution to learning keeping in track the trends of information technology. Among the audience, Dr. Musfiq Mannan Choudhury, Professor of Business and Information Systems of the University of Dhaka was present there, where he brought in issues relating to limitations in understanding data and reaching interpretations from the analytics.



The audience focused that analytics is the new trend of innovation and discussed several projects which would facilitate new ideas in research. New research clusters considering cross disciplinary participations will be a suitable approach to bring research to the next level in the academic arena of Bangladesh. Future initiatives of WUB would involve getting the ICT industry engaged.