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A Farewell Program of the students of fall semester -2019 was held on April 27, 2019 at the auditorium of WUB main campus. About 600 recently graduated students from different departments were present in this program. Graduates expressed their feelings and shared their memories. The graduates were honored with felicitation certificates and valuable gift items.

Professor Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury, Vice Chancellor of World University of Bangladesh was present in this program as the chief guest while Morsheda Choudhury, Treasurer; and Prof. Dr. Musfiq M Choudhury, Chief advisor, World University of Bangladesh were the special guests. Prof. Dr. M. Nurul Islam, Pro Vice Chancellor of the university presided over the program. The program was also attended by the Controller of exams, Registrar, Proctor, and Faculty Members.

Professor Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury and encouraged the graduates to enlighten their future. The graduates vowed to uphold the dignity of the university.

27 April, 2019