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“I am terribly shocked. His death is an irreparable loss to me personally and to World University of Bangladesh generally. I lament his premature departure. He was in fact a teacher of the teachers. He trained up a large number of colleagues & kept on making more competent teachers which gave us a place in time’s Higher education assessment. May Allah give him the eternal peace and his family the velour to sustain the loss.”

 Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury; Vice Chancellor, WUB

“I am deeply shocked at the sad demise of Md. Arif Sattar, a former student of mine at the Dhaka University and my colleague at WUB. May Allah keep him in eternal peace and grant him Jannah.”

– Prof. Dr. M. Nurul Islam; Pro Vice Chancellor, WUB

“A great friend and patron of our University, Arif Sattar is no more. Inna Lilahe wa Inna Lilahe Rajeuin. He left for the hereafter on 8th of June at 10.30 pm.

Arif Sattar was an Associate Professor and Head of Basic Sciences Division. He was also the Additional Director, Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the university. He was listed as a Quality Expert (Bangladesh Panel), approved by the UGC and the World Bank. He worked as Data Manager-cum-Statistician since 1999 in different international sponsored projects related to fertility, mortality, health and nutrition and population projection. He had served as a Co-ordinator and/ Trainer of Research Methodology and SPSS Training Programs organized by COE, WUB, GUS, FREPD, Disaster Management DU, IQAC-WUB etc. with financial and technical assistance from NIPORT and other GO/NGOs.

His research papers and publications published in national and international journals have had exceeded 40.”

– Dr. Musfiq M. Choudhury; Chief Advisor, WUB

10 June, 2019