
The Journey of the Department of Architecture Begins at WUB

The department of architecture of World University of Bangladesh has started its classes from 6 May 2019 on at Permanent campus of WUB. Nurturing the motto “Join Us to Build a Sustainable World, ” the department has begun its journey with 9 talented students from various reputed institutions of Bangladesh. With well-equipped studio and Lab Facilities, the concern of the department is for a humane environment supporting the needs of everyday life and satisfying the depths of human experience. In this process, the spontaneous participation of both teachers and students makes the department a unique platform within a very short time.

The indoor outdoor relationships between the Design studio and the outside lake with greeneries are unbeatable. The immeasurable scenic beauty from the classroom inspires students to be sensitive about the nature as well as helps them think the innovative design ideas and environment friendly approaches from the beginning of the journey.