Dear All,The university shall remain closed on December 25th (Wednesday) 2024 on account of ‘Christmas Day’.The exams and all other activities of the university shall resume on and from December 26th (Thursday) 2024.Best wishes to Christian community of the
This is for your information that the university buses will run on different routes from 16 October 2024 as per the schedule mentioned below till further notice: Pick Up Time Schedule SL No Bus Route Bus Name Pick Up
Dear All,The university shall remain closed from October 10th (Thursday) 2024 to October 12th (Saturday) 2024 on account of ‘DURGAPUJA’.The office shall reopen on Monday the 14 October, whereas classes shall resume on 16 October 2024.With thanks,Registrar
The World University of Bangladesh is going to organize an online training program. The program will be held on 20 September 2024 (Friday) through digital platforms (Zoom). The Schedule of the Training Program for Fall 2024 is as follows:
গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার শিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ শিক্ষা বিভাগপ্রশাসন ও সংস্থাপন
Date: 24th August 2024.SPECIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS Based on the discussion with the students of the University as on 22nd August 2024, 1. The University adheres to no politics and no smoking environment. Hence, in the past we have discouraged student politics; therefore,
এতদ্বারা ওয়ার্ল্ড ইউনিভার্সিটি অব বাংলাদেশ এর সকল শিক্ষক, শিক্ষার্থী, কর্মকর্তা ও কর্মচারীদের বিশেষ অবগতির
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীবৃন্দ,আশা করি বাবা-মা, ভাই-বোন এবং পরিবারের অন্যান্য সকলকে নিয়ে তোমরা সুস্থ্য ও নিরাপদে আছো।
Dear All,The university shall remain closed on 17th July (Wednesday) 2024 on account of the Holy Ashura.The classes and all other activities of the university shall resume on and from 18th July(Thursday) 2024.With thanks,Registrar
The World University of Bangladesh is going to organize an orientation and training program, the program will be held on 19th & 20th July 2024 at the WUB campus. The purpose of setting up this program is to welcome the new students enrolled in Fall 2024.The Schedule of the Programs is as