An IOT based Automated aquaculture fish farm monitoring and Controlling system

Project ID: WUB/2022/P1/017

Project Duration: 2022 - 2023

Project Leader: Rumana Tasnim (Department of Mechatronics Engineering)

Project Members: Abu Salman Shaikat

In this research work, an IOT based real-time monitoring and controlling system has been designed and developed for an eco-friendly aquaculture fish farm. Internet of Things (IoT) is a very fast growing technology and the field of IoT is extending its wings in every one of the areas today. Water quality monitoring of a fish tank is a significant aspect to guarantee a better environment for producing fishes. This work focuses on developing an IOT based device to monitor various water quality parameters as well as control water temperature and air pump using Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno. Using this device, user will be capable of monitoring the water quality data received from multiple sensors and control the actuators accordingly from any remote location through graphical user interface (GUI). Photo acquisition is also performed by Raspberry Pi with the help of the smartphone camera to detect the colour of the water. Android phone is used as the terminal device. Users can monitor the water condition using an android app through Wi-Fi within Wi-Fi range and through Internet from anywhere in the world. Machine learning algorithm will be used to predict the water quality data.