Quantifying the Effect of Natural Dyes (Tea) on Juton Fabric Developed by 3D Printer.

Project ID: WUB/2022/P1/011

Project Duration: 2022 - 2023

Project Leader: Dip Das (Department of Textile Engineering)

Project Members: Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Md. Shamsuzzaman

A tangible object can be created using the 3D printing process by building it up from a computer model in multiple thin layers of a material. By layering layers of materials, it transforms a digital object (its CAD representation) into its actual shape. In the clothing industry, there are numerous procedures that must be completed before creating a finished garment, including spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, and garment manufacture. If we produce apparel using a 3D printer, we can easily eliminate all of these complicated traditional processes and reduce both manufacturing time and cost. In the suggested effort, an attempt is made to produce clothing using a 3D printer. To make this specific sort of filament, jute and cotton fiber are mixed. Following that, the item will be dyed using natural dyes (tea). This investigation is founded on fresh idea creation, development, and analysis in light of test outcomes.