Activities Archive 

3rd WUB CSE Festival - 2014

The 3rd WUB CSE FESTIVAL, 2014 is scheduled to be held on 11-13 December, 2014. We cordially invite you to this grand festival which is going to be organized by the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering of the World University of Bangladesh.

During the festival, various contests, seminars, workshops will be held for the undergraduate students. Besides, college level students will also be invited to participate in those events to enrich their knowledge, expertise and ideas.

During this festival, students and teachers from all over the Dhaka city will come together, interact and contest with each other to generate ideas and skills using information technology. This year innovative idea contest (ICT for development), project showcasing, seminar, workshop, gaming contest, debate contest, ICT fair will be held along with the IT Olympiad and raffle draw.

We expect your kind presence in the 3rd WUB CSE FESTIVAL, 2014.