“Baliful School” is a pre-school of Vashantek slum which is running through
the help of Action for Social development. The parents of those children are daily
workers, household workers etc. They
also provide counselling to the parents so that they send their child in school
instead of sending them in child labour. Local people provide them support to
run the school.
The Department of Architecture of World University of Bangladesh has
worked with this organization to provide food (occasionally) and educational
stuff. The Department of Architecture, WUB has expressed its intension to
design the school environment according to their architectural knowledge which
will be more helpful to those children.
The Department of Architecture, WUB has conducted the first session with
the children of “Baliful School” on 8 December, 2022. The department provided
the food of that day for the children of their year-end celebration. They also
conducted a tiny cultural program to make the children very spontaneous &
happy with other unknown people.
The Department of Architecture of WUB believes that by engaging the
department and their students with this type of activity will enhance their
social responsibility.