WUB EEE Alumni Association, Reunion 2023 

WUB EEE Alumni Association, Reunion 2023

The WUB EEE Alumni Association, Reunion 2023 was held on 22rd September, 2023 in the WUB Campus, Uttara, Dhaka. The ceremony started with a rally led by the Honorable Vice Chancellor Heroic freedom fighter Prof. Dr. Abdul Mannan Chowdhury followed by the members of the Alumni association and students of EEE department around the campus releasing balloons with festoon.

The inaugural session was chaired by the Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering Prof Dr M Quamruzzaman. Prof. Zaki Imam, Registrar, WUB and Engineer Jahangir AL Jilani, Managing Director of Riverie Power and Automation Engineering Limited were present as guest of honor. The distinguished guests delivered their lectures highlighting on the role of engineers in the society and how they can contribute for the development of Bangladesh.

The welcome address was delivered by President of the Alumni Engr. Mustafiz Doulat. He mentioned that since 2006, about 2300 students have been graduated from EEE department, who are now in good positions in various institutions and contributing to the economic development of Bangladesh. The chief guest, Heroic freedom fighter and Veteran educationist Prof Dr Abdul Mannan Chowdhury advised the students to work hard so that they can be not only good engineers but also a good entrepreneur so that they can provide employment to people.

The guest of honor Eng. Jahangir AL Jilani explained his experience how he developed his organization from nothing up to present status and competing with international companies in the power sector of Bangladesh. He mentioned that dedication and hard work is required to become a successful professional engineer. He advised the students to be prepared for the 4th Industrial revolution and ready to face the global challenge.

The inaugural ceremony ended with vote of thanks from the chairperson.