
Reading for Pleasure: facilitating quality education through habits of reading and growing consciousness

Department of English, World University of Bangladesh has successfully organized a live webinar on “Reading for Pleasure: facilitating quality education through habits of reading and growing consciousness” at 7:00 pm on 23-10-2022 (Sunday).

Students, teachers and their known ones from different universities including WUB joined the webinar which was to raise consciousness and curiosity about reading for pleasure in order to acquire versatile knowledge and wisdom to apply in real-life problems and situations. This webinar is an attempt to be a part of ensuring UN SDG-4: Quality Education.

The speakers talked about various facets of reading including its benefits along with what to read, how to read and the individual, socio and psychological aspects of reading for pleasure. The questions asked by the viewers were also entertained while the audiences were greatly benefitted by the selected topic of discussion to ensure quality education.

Mr. Harunur Rashid Khan, faculty of English, BRAC University and Ms. Tasnim Rahman, faculty of English, BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology were present as guest speakers. Mr. Faisal Ahmed and Ms. Sarah Tabassum, faculties of English, WUB was the host speaker and moderator respectively.

The speakers also discussed about “Reading for Pleasure” as a powerful habit to enhance knowledge and wisdom to apply in complex and difficult real-life circumstances in an alignment with the UN sustainable development goal no. 4 which is quality education. The lack of the habit of reading among the students of schools, colleges and universities has inspired and accelerated the initiative of choosing this pivotal webinar topic.