Study Tour 

Study Tour

The Department of Architecture, World University of Bangladesh went on a study tour on September 09, 2023. As a part of the tour, the students visited the "Nishorgo Oirabot Nature Interpretation Centre" and Lawachara National Park in Sreemangal, Sylhet to explore the architecture and its relationship with nature. The Students of architecture department along with their faculty members attended this Study Tour. This experience goes beyond the confines of the classroom, offering a tangible connection to sustainable design principles and the concept of harmony between architecture and its landscape.

The tour commenced with an invigorating hike through the reserve forestry of Lawachara National Park, where the students experienced the rich cultural heritage of the indigenous Khasia community. Their remarkable co-existence with nature served as a source of inspiration for sustainable living with the natural forest.

This excursion explored the potential to ignite a new level of appreciation for the intricate interplay between architecture and nature, shaping students into more conscientious and ecologically-aware architects for the future.