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Workshop on "Publishing in Internationally Recognized Journals: Sharing Struggles and Success”

The Department of Business Administration organized a workshop on "Publishing in Internationally Recognized Journals: Sharing Struggles and Success” on July 06, 2024, in the Board Room, World University of Bangladesh.

The resource person was Professor Dr. Mohammad Faisal Ahammad, Head, Department of International Business, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds (UK). In this session, the Chief Guest was Professor Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury, Vice Chancellor, World University of Bangladesh and the Special Guest was Professor Dr. M. Nurul Islam, Pro-Vice Chancellor,World University of Bangladesh. This session was chaired by Professor Dr. Selim Ahmed, Head of the Department, Business Administration.

The programme began with an opening speech presented by Professor Dr. Selim Ahmed, Head of the Department of Business Administration. Subsequently, both the Chief Guest and the Special Guest provided imperative insights into publishing in international acclaimed journal. However, their discussion was very beneficial since both of them have experience of working and publishing at national and international level. Additionally, the resource person addressed confidential information regarding the publication in the international journal. He also highlighted some aspects in which most of the academics struggle and how they can overcome it. 

Distinguished faculty members from various department participated in this session. The seminar was concluded by a question and answer session which was really interesting.

06 July, 2024