All Classes of all the campuses of WUB shall remain suspended on January 23 (Thursday), 2020.
1. Every student has to wear ID Card. Guests shall get special ID Cards as Picnic Participants. Without ID Cards no one will be allowed in the bus or to any facility in the picnic spot. 2. All the participants must reach at the WUB Campus by 6.30 am on January 22, Wednesday
The annual Picnic & Study Tour of World University of Bangladesh (WUB Picnic-2020) shall be held on January 22 (Wednesday), 2020 at Bangabandhu Safari Park, Gazipur. Students, Faculties and Staff are invited to participate in the Picnic & Study Tour. The subscription is Tk. 1325/- (One Thousand
This is to inform all concerned that the university shall remain closed from December 27 Friday 2019 to December 31 Tuesday 2019. The university shall re-open on January 01 Wednesday 2020. Course Registration and Classes of the Spring Semester shall start on January 04 Saturday 2020.
This is to inform all concerned that the university shall remain closed on December 14 (Saturday) on account of Martyred Intellectuals Day.RegistrarWorld University of Bangladesh
LL.M, Mid-term examinations scheduled to be held on November 09, Saturday 2019 has been postponed due to unavoidable circumstance. These examinations are rescheduled on November 16, Saturday 2019 at the same venue and same time.RegistrarWorld University of Bangladesh
This is to inform all concerned that the university shall remain closed on November 10 (Sunday), 2019 on account of Eid–e-Milad-un -Nabi.RegistrarWorld University of Bangladesh
This is to inform all concerned that all the Evening Classes and Exams scheduled to be held on November 09, Saturday, 2019 has been postponed due to bad weather condition.
This is to inform all concerned that the university shall remain closed from October 07 (Monday) 2019 to October 09 (Wednesday) 2019 on account of Durga Puja. The classes and normal activities of the university shall resume on and from October 10 (Thursday) 2019.
This is to inform all concerned that the university shall remain closed from August 09 Friday 2019 to August 18 Sunday 2019 on account of Eid-ul-Azha. The classes and normal activities of the university shall resume on and from August 19 Monday 2019.RegistrarWorld University of Bangladesh