- For promotion from 1st semester to 2nd Semester a student needs to earn a minimum GPA of 2.00.
- For promotion from 2nd semester to 3rd Semester a student will normally require to earn CGPA of 2.25.
- For promotion from 3rd semester to 4th semester, a student will be required to earn CGPA of 2.50. A student will have to maintain minimum CGPA of 2.50 in order to be promoted to the subsequent semesters.
- A student failing to clear up University/Departmental dues of the semester of study shall not be promoted to next semester.
- A student promoted shall have to fill up a course registration form for the next semester with necessary session fee.
- A student shall forfeit the right of scholarship, special treatment if he/she fails to obtain promotion.
- A student may be issued with course completion certificate for specific purpose and for specified period of time.
Each department has its specific requirements for awarding of degrees, however,
- No candidate shall be given any degree who has failed to maintain an overall CGPA of 2.50 during the whole period of study.
- A student having F/I/W in any course/s shall not be awarded degree before improving this grade within the specified period of study.
- A student will be required to start the research report, internship report in the last semester and finish it within that period.
- If any student failing to submit his/her research report/internship report/case report/ thesis report, within the stipulated time due to his/her fault then he/she has to pay delay fines to submit it.
- The compilation of the report shall be preceded by research methodology course and comprehensive examinations.
- A student will be required to complete his/her course/courses of study within the prescribed period of time, failing of which will require decision of the Academic Council and the Syndicate. The period may be extended by half of the prescribed period on payment of penalties to be determined by appropriate authority.