“I am terribly shocked. His death is an irreparable loss to me personally and to World University of Bangladesh generally. I lament his premature departure. He was in fact a teacher of the teachers. He trained up a large number of colleagues &
Kakatuwa Media Ltd. has agreed to become partners with WUB. They would be providing paid internship for students and local community of Uttara in areas of digital marketing. Based in Uttara, the company will also support the university in its social
Department Law, World University of Bangladesh organized an Iftar and DoahMahfilat Main Campus Auditorium on 28 may 2019. Professor A.K.M Ziaul Islam, Controller of Examinations; Prof. Abdus Salam Molla, Registrar of the university;Prof. Dr. Abdul
Volunteer organization ‘World University of Bangladesh Prothom-alo Bondhusova’, distributed new Eid clothes among deprived children, with a slogan of ‘A colorful shirt’ on Thursday, May 30, 2019.New clothes were given to 138 helpless
World School of Business, World University of Bangladesh organized an Iftar and Doa Mahfil on 25th May, 2019 (Saturday). Prof. Dr. M. Nurul Islam, Honorable Pro-VC,World School of Business graced the program as the special guest. Dr. Selim Ahmed,
Department of Civil Engineering, World University of Bangladesh organized an Iftar and Doah Mahfi lat main Campus auditorium on 28 may 2019. Prof. Dr. M. Nurul Islam, Pro Vice Chancellor, World University of Bangladesh; Professor A.K.M Ziaul Islam,
Department of Textile Engineering, World University of Bangladesh organized an Iftar and Doah Mahfil at Green Road (Panthapoth) Campus. Professor A.K.M Ziaul Islam, Controller of Examinations, Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Head, Department of Textile
WTISD turns 50: Next week, ITU celebrates the 50th Anniversary of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD). The theme for 2019, “Bridging the Standardization Gap,” aims to ensure that all of us have equal opportunity to
mHealth during Ramadan: In Tunisia, the Ministry of Health, ITU, the World Health Organization (WHO) and various partners are working to provide assistance to people living with diabetes in the country through the Be He@lthy, Be Mobile initiative.
The department of architecture of World University of Bangladesh has started its classes from 6 May 2019 on at Permanent campus of WUB. Nurturing the motto “Join Us to Build a Sustainable World, ” the department has begun its journey with 9